Friday, April 3, 2009

What is the best orthotic for me?

Well, let's start by first explaining what an orthotic is and is not. An orthotic is a device you put in your shoe that helps to balance and stabilize your foot so that it can function normally. I often say that orthotics are like "glasses for your feet."
Now when it comes to orthotics there are many products that are called orthotics. The reality is a $10 gel insert you get at the grocery store IS NOT an orthotic. It is a foot cushion. All it does is add a thin layer of cushioning to your foot. If you happen to be a very frail elderly person or if you are on long-term steroid medication, you may need this. Most people do not need a gel insert. Don't believe the advertisements.
Bottom line, if the product you buy is soft enough that you can bend it with your hands or wring it out like a dish towel, it is not going to help you.
If you have foot pain, specifically heel pain, you probably need a functional foot orthotic. This is a product made of durable plastics. You can not bend an orthotic with your hands. The job of an orthotic is to change the position of your foot while you walk. In order to that is must be able to stand up to your weight. I weigh 195 pounds. There is no gel or pad or cushion that can possibly hold up to my weight step after step.
In order for a hard plastic device to be comfortable it must be custom made to your foot. If any of you wear contact lens you know that you really don't feel them after a short adjustment period. Think about it, you are putting a piece of plastic IN YOUR EYE! That does not sound comfortable, yet I have worn them for years with no problems. Orthotics are the same way. Because they are custom made to your foot they fit perfectly. Thus you don't even know you are wearing them after a short adjustment period.
OK, so what is the cost for a pair of orthotics? Well, it varies but you can expect to pay somewhere between $400 and $600 dollars for a custom pair of orthotics. The good news is they will probably last you 3-5 years and THEY WORK.
Bottom line, you can get $3 dollar glasses at the drug store but they will only help you if you need a little magnification. The same goes for orthotics. If you all you need is a little extra padding try the over the counter products. If your feet hurt every day, if you feel that sharp shooting pain in your heels when you get out of bed in the morning, you need a custom orthotic.

Dedicated to your health,

Craig Conti, DPM
Sarasota Foot Care Center

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